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创作年代 2017



400-601-8111 服务时间 周一至周五 9:00 - 17:00


设计说明:服装结构灵感来自生物的细胞结构,它们在显微镜下放大五百万倍的图片让我觉得很有趣,这些细胞存在的单位通常非常小,它们凹凸不平,发着奇异的光,它们一中心向四周发散,有的是扇形的,一层叠着一层,竟然像灵芝的样,还有的几乎完全透明,像扇子一样分布,每一个扇形的结构里面似乎还有另一番风景,正是它们每一个渺小的单位里复杂的结构撑起了生命。所以,我们希望用这些神奇的构造来创造一系列成衣。我们用欧根缎来试验,发现压完褶皱的欧根缎和那些结构很相似,于是我们继续试验,把褶皱欧根缎环绕、重复、叠加等等来达到这种效果。 面料灵感来自一张细胞染色之后倒进水里的瞬间的照片。它由黄色渐变成绿色,中间细胞的而结构和颜色的渐变交织在一起,一层包裹一层,相互环绕着,像一棵充满生命力的老树。然后我们通过实验发现,用纤维染料洒在真丝上面很符合我们的思路于是我们又用了色彩和褶皱欧根缎结合来表现。 《Fold tructure》 Design specification:The cell structure of garment structure biologically inspired, they in the magnification of five million pictures makes me feel very interesting, these cells are usually very small units, they are uneven, with a strange light, they are around the center to diverge, some fan-shaped, tiers, just like the Ganodermalucidum like, there are almost completely transparent, fan like distribution, the structure of each sector. There seems to be a different landscape, they are each a small unit in the complex structure up to life. So we want to create a range of garments with these magical structures. We use the European Genduan to test, found in Europe and Genduan pressed fold those structures are very similar, so we continue to test, the European Genduan fold surround, repetition, etc. to achieve this effect. The fabric is inspired by an instant photograph of a cell that has been dyed and poured into the water. It is changed from yellow to green, intermediate cells, and the structure and color of the gradient intertwined, a layer wrapped, surrounded by each other, like a vibrant old tree. Then we found through experiments, using fiber dye onto silk above is consistent with our ideas so we use color and Genduan combination to the performance of the European fold.


指导老师:庄子平、回连涛、任绘、蒋卓君 导师评语:王靖钰、马嘉璐毕业设计作品《褶构》作品灵感来源于DNA的X、Y染色体。整个作品主体结构采用直丝和斜丝不同纱向的定型压褶工艺,借助面料纱向角度的变化特性制作出繁复的结构,层次丰富,再加之手绘的图案和面料色彩的晕染使作品更加富有灵动性。褶于形,构于褶,是一组艺术性较强的设计作品。 The works inspired by wang jingyu and ma jialu\'s graduation design works are inspired by the X and Y chromosomes of DNA. Around the main structure using different yarn straight wire and wire to finalize the design pressure plait process, with the help of the fabric yarn to the Angle change characteristic of the produce of heavy and complicated structure, rich layers, plus hand-painted design and fabric color shading to make the work more full of flexibility. Fold in shape, construct the fold, is a group of artistic design work. 作品材质:
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