

张子康  中国美术馆副馆长

苏新平  中央美术学院副院长

黎  明   广州美术学院院长

傅中望  湖北美术馆馆长

谭  平  中国艺术研究院副院长               

朱青生  北京大学教授

贾方舟  著名美术批评家

王端廷  中国艺术研究院美术研究所外国美术研究室主任

隋建国   中央美术学院造型学院副院长

吕胜中  中央美术学院实验艺术学院院长

孙振华   中国美术学院博士、深圳雕塑院院长

彭锋      北京大学艺术学院教授、策展人

黄笃      策展人、评论家

王春辰  中央美术学院美术馆研究员、策展人

盛葳  《美术》副主编

高鹏    今日美术馆执行馆长

刘礼宾  中央美术学院美术学研究所副研究员



Heinz Aeschlimann     圣·乌尔班文化艺术基金会主席及雕塑公园创办人,瑞士

Eileen Cooper   皇家美术学院监护人(Keeper),英国

Marlena Donohue   艺术史教授、批评家,美国

Wolfgang Gramm  卡尔舒特艺术中心主席,策展人,德国

Neil Powell  教授,英国诺维奇艺术大学副校长(学术)英国艺术五年展(British Art Show)策展人

Ralfonso    国际动态艺术组织主席,美国/瑞士

Peter Selz   伯克利大学当代美术馆首任馆长,美国现代艺术馆策展部前主任

Miles Thurlow    Workplace画廊创始人,英国

Peter Weibel    ZKM 艺术与多媒体博物馆馆长,德国

Nayia Yiakoumaki  白教堂艺术馆(Whitechapel),策展人,博士,英国



Academic board


Zhang Zi-kang, vice director of National Art Museum of China

Su Xin-ping, vice president of Central Academy of Fine Arts

Li Ming, president of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Fu Zhong-wang, director of Hubei Museum of Art

Tan Ping, vice president of Chinese National Academy of Arts

Zhu Qing-sheng, professor of Peking University

Jia Fang-zhou, famous art critics

Wang Duan-ting, foreign art research director of Institute of Fine Arts, Academy of Arts of China

Sui Jian-guo, professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts

Lv Sheng-zhong, dean of Experimental Art School of Central Academy of Fine Arts

Sun Zhen-hua, president of Shenzhen Academy of Sculpture, critic

Peng Feng, professor of School of Arts of Peking University, curator

Huang Du, curator, critic

Wang Chun-chen, researcher of CAFA Gallery , curator

Sheng Wei, vice editor-in-chief of Fine Arts

Gao Peng, executive director of Today Art Museum

Liu Libin, associate researcher of CAFA Fine arts institute,critic


From aboard:

Heinz Aeschlimann, chairman of Culture and Art Foundation of St. Urban of Switzerland and the founder of Sculpture Park

Eileen Cooper, keeper of Royal Academy of Arts

Marlena Donohue, professor of art history of Otis College of Art and Design, critic

Wolfgang Gramm, chairman of Germany Carl Shute Art Center, curator

Neil Powell, vice president (academic) of Norwich University of the Arts, curator of British Art Show

Ralfonso, chairman of International Kinetic Art Organization

Peter Selz, first director of Berkeley Museum of Modern Arts, former director of Curatorial Department of Modern Art Gallery of the USA

Miles Thurlow, founder of Workplace Gallery

Peter Weibel, director of Center for Art and Media (ZKM)

Dr. NayiaYiakoumaki, curator of The Whitechapel Gallery

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