


作品 简介
近年投入中國畫上的創作,透過對中國畫線條上的微妙變化進行深入探索,並追求在線條變化對比上的協調平和,在當中找出中國傳統精神和可能性。在中國傳統畫中,水往往是人的精神物化的外現。我的創作與「水」關係密切,我自小學習游泳,喜愛潛水,對海洋更是情有獨鐘。因此我用白描的方法呈現我嚮往在海中平靜、或浮或沉的狀態。 過往展覽 2015 「水漾―香港當代藝術聯展」,嘉圖現代藝術 「喴耾耾耾耾」香港中文大學畢業展,Chi K11 藝術空間 「 喴耾耾」中大藝術2015本科畢業展,香港中文大學本部文物館展廳 “Affordable Art Fair: Young Talent Hong Kong”,香港會議展覽中心 2014 「首届兩岸三地書畫名家名作邀請展」,杭州西子湖畔 「習常,非常。」,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 2013 “BOING!- Pop-Up Market”,奧沙藝術空間 “Young Friends: Art Today And Tomorrow”,亞洲協會香港中心 CHAN Kwan Lok currently concentrated on Chinese painting. The variety of lines and brushstrokes in Chinese painting is always the subject matter I would like to study. I try to seek the possibility of Chinese painting through its development history and unique spirit. In traditional Chinese painting, water is often metaphor the human spirit. My inspiration of painting had closed relationship to "water" mainly came from my childhood from my daily swimming training in the swimming pool. Also, I am addicted to diving in the ocean. Thus I found that using line drawing is the best way for me to depict the peaceful and waving of the ocean. Exhibitions 2015 “Glimpse of Water – Group Exhibition of Hong Kong Contemporary Art”, Grotto Fine Art Ltd, 2/F 31C-D Wyndham Street, Central “Wi1wang4wang4wang4wang4” CUHK Fine Arts BA Graduate Exhibition, chi K11 art space “Wi1 Wang4 Wang4” Graduation Exhibition, Gallery 1, Art Museum, CUHK “Affordable Art Fair Young Talent Hong Kong”, Hall 3B&C, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 2014 “The First Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong Invitation Exhibition”, Xihu, Hangzhou “A Matter of course? A Matter, of course.” Joint exhibition , Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK 2013 “BOING!-Pop-Up Market”, Osage gallery “Young Friends: Art Today And Tomorrow”, Asia Society, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty 藝術家網頁 Artist website: chankwanlok.weebly.com



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