CHUK Yin Man, Edwin

CHUK Yin Man, Edwin


作品 简介
I am interested in the practice of photography, small metal, and illustration, and focus on photography in recent. Through 3 varied mediums, I attempt to create works in the subject of space. To me, space is not limited to the physical space where we are now being, rather no matters the 2 or 3-dimensional work themselves could create its own space for audiences to look at. Inverting images to look at the world in a different perspective is what I do often to look up the possibilities of my creation. To flip or take photo upside-down, or to observe an object in another angle. Gradually, a vision of detached quality towards subject matter such as architecture or landscape is built. The subject matter in my work devoid of emotion and rather provides a non-biased relationship with the audiences and seeking for their further imagination. Therefore, room for audiences’ various of the impression on what they see is always welcomed. By means of psychological space in my work, the perceptions towards overlooked common and everyday objects or place are re-established. Since the subject matter itself is no longer the same with the one they used to acknowledge, thereby, to trigger audience’s curiosity to look closely into the work and create relationship while they are engaging the work.



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