


作品 简介
丁宁,1992年出生于中国河南,2018年毕业于中央美术学院并取得硕士学位。现工作生活于北京。丁宁一直以来坚持通过艺术的方式探索个体在群体和社会中的命运。丁宁的作品涉猎绘画,影像,装置,写作等各种方式。不管是讨论个体或集体困境的动画影像,还是材料与感知共存的绘画,以及片段式的写作实践。艺术行为是丁宁链接个体与时代的通道,他通过这些方式来构建一种当代生活的认知模型。对于他的个人创作来说,一切都是可变化与延展的,就如同当下的变化性与延展性,但他同时又试图从时代的变化中找到一种“人与命运”的永恒特性。 Ding Ning, born in 1992 in Henan Province,China, graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts  with master‘s degree in 2018. presently lives and works in Beijing. He has been exploring the individual fate in society in his own artistic expression. His works express his idea in the form of oil paintings, videos, installation and even essay writing. His video works discuss the embarrassment of an individual and the mass; his paintings make use of the materials to express his feelings and essay writing shows his different way of practice in art. His artistic way of work and life is regarded as a channel to connect an individual and his time, through which the mode of contemporary life is constructed. In his artistic creation, everything is changeable and developmental just like the contemporary world. However, he also tries to find out the definite feature of man and his fate.



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