冯济琳毕业于香港中文大学(文学士) 主修艺术,副修语言学(香港手语)。
从小喜欢做手作及摺纸,对摺纸有某种情意结,经常随手拿起纸就开始摺。 在学期间也曾尝试水彩、版画、工笔等媒介。后来收到日本女艺术家阿部幸子的启发,开始思考摺纸与自身的关系,并尝试透过创作去寻找自己「摺」的意义是什么。
Born in 1997 in Hong Kong, Virginia Fungis a fresh graduate from the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong (Bachelor ofArts), majoring in Fine Art, minor inLinguistics (Hong Kong Sign Language Stream ).Enjoyed making handcrafts and origamisince childhood, she has some specialaffection for origami and uses to keepfolding random papers. During her studyin the Fine Arts department, she had alsotried watercolor, printmaking and Chinesedelineative painting. Later, inspired byJapanese artist Sachiko Abe, she beginsto think about her relationship withOrigami, and to search for a meaningtoward the action and quot throughcreation.