

Columbia University Art School/绘画

作品 简介
胡莎莎 1986 年年出生,现工作居住于北京环铁艺术区,2008 年于黑⻰江大学美术系油画专业本科毕业, 2012 年年和2017年年分别于伦敦艺术大学和纽约哥伦比亚大学艺术学院就读。 Hu Shasha was born in 1986. She is currently based in Huantie Art District, Beijing, where she resides and works. She graduated in 2008 from Heilongjiang University with a bachelor degree of Fine Arts. In 2012, Hu furthered her studies at the University of Arts, in London, where she took a general English course. During the summer in 2017, she took an intensive advanced painting program at the Columbia University, School of Arts. 个展 Solo Exhibition 2018 新鲜痕迹 , EGG Gallery, 北京 Fresh Mark, EGG Gallery, Beijing 群展 Group Exhibition 2018 Works Collection of John Mores Painting Prize China, Minsheng Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai 约翰莫尔绘画奖(中国)获奖及作品入围展,民生现代美术馆,上海 2017 Wish You Were Here, LeRoy Neiman 画廊,纽约 Wish You Were Here, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, New York 2016 中国,杯子,风,歌德学院,北北京 China, Bottle, Wind, Goethe Institute, Beijing 2016 艺术理想国,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京 Art Utopia, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing 2009 中韩联合展览,成均馆大学,首尔 China-Korea Group Exhibition, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul 2008 岩彩画展,黑龙江美术馆,哈尔滨 Rock Color Painting Exhibition, Heilongjiang Art Museum, Harbin



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