


作品 简介动态
1988年生于上海 现生活工作于上海 教育经历: 2011-今 就职于上海视觉艺术学院/木质材料造型工作室 2011.7 毕业于复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院美术学院/雕塑专业/获复旦大学文学学士学位 2013.7 东华大学/MAF艺术硕士/研究生 展览经历: 2017 苏州 荷马礼赞——中美国际艺术交流展 苏州金鸡湖美术馆 2016 上海 吴语-方言——上海艺术家邀请展 中华艺术宫 2016上海 上海国际艺术节青年艺术家推介展 上海世博展览馆 2016 上海 海上原点——上海青年当代城市艺术展 上海普陀文化馆 2015 上海 上海艺术博览会青年艺术家推介展 上海世贸商城 2015 上海 理想主义——上海青年雕塑家作品展 上海虹桥当代艺术馆 ABOUT CREATION 创作理念 陆健的作品探索材料和人之间的相互关系,材料如何被感知,人如何将这种感知表达出来。艺术是人与物、人与人、人与内心之间的关系。这三者不是分开的,这三者是共生的,此消彼长中产生不同的创作。其中“物”永远是艺术的根本,每个人对“物”有不同感知、感受,不同的是艺术家将这种感受物化下来、呈现出来,好的作品能够打开观众和艺术家本人的感知力。 Lu Jian\'s work explores the relationship between the material and human, how the material is perceived, and how the artist expresses it. Art is the relationship between man and object, man and man, man and heart. These three are not separate, they are symbiotic, produce different creative shift. The \"object\" is always the essence of art, everyone on the \"objects\" have different perception, feel, different artists such feelings will be materialized down, show them that good works to open the audience and the artist\'s own perception. 图注 1. 《形状-变迁》/75X75X250cm,160X350X80cm/石库门拆迁旧木、钉子/2015 Shape-Changes /75X75X250cm,160X350X80cm/Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2015 这个系列以《形状》为名,表达了我对上海城市的形状和生活的形状的理解。采用材料是上海复兴路上一处石库门里弄拆迁下来的门框和窗框。对材料进行重新切割组合,意图打破原有形式感,对材料和形式语言探索,消除内容的表达,是我这一系列所研究的方向。系列用“形状”名词组合,也是极力消除对内容的阐释。感知重组的形式语言上海的历史痕迹和上海人的生活。 This series in the name of \"shape\", to express my understanding of the shape of the city of Shanghai and the shape of life. The material used is a revival of Shanghai road Shikumen demolition down the door and window frames. The combination of re cutting of materials, the intention to break the original form of a sense of material and formal language to explore, to eliminate the expression of content, is my research direction of this series. Series with the \"shape\" noun combination, but also to eliminate the interpretation of the content. Perceptual reorganization of the formal language of Shanghai\'s historical traces and the life of the people of Shanghai. 2. 《形状-向上》/300X48x25cm/石库门拆迁旧木/2015 / Shape-Up /75X75X250cm,160X350X80cm/Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2015 3. 《形状-围绕》/48X48X12cm/石库门拆迁旧木/2015 Shape-Around /48X48X12cm/Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2015 4. 《形状-阡陌》/48X48X6cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2015 Shape-Crossing /48X48X6cm/Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2015 5. 《形状-盛开》/48X*48X11cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2015 Shape-Bloom /48X*48X11cm/Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2015 6. 《形状-重叠》/73X73X8cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2015 Shape-Overlap /73X73X8cm/Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2015 7. 《形状-信仰》/224X102X27cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2015/ Shape-belief /224X102X27cm/Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2015 8. 《形状-偶然》/78X78X8cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2016 Shape-Overlap /78X78X8cm /Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2016 9. 《形状-屋顶》/165X90X12cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2016 Shape-housetop/165X90X12cm /Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2016 10. 《形状-冰淇淋》/45X45X8cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2016 Shape-Icecream/45X45X8cm /Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2016 11. 《形状-生活》/224X102X27cm/石库门拆迁旧木,钉子/2016 Shape-life/224X102X27cm /Shikumen demolition of old wooden, nails/2016 12. 《形状-三体》/82X82X5cm/石库门拆迁旧木,木板,钉子/2015 这是《形状》系列的第二类形态的尝试,几重形状的内在对比,以探讨生活和艺术之间尺寸、形状、空间的关系。 Shape-ThreeBody /82X82X5cm /Shikumen demolition of old wooden, board,nails/2016 This is the \"shape\" series of the second types of morphological attempts, a few of the intrinsic contrast of the shape, in order to explore the relationship between life and art dimensions, shape, space.



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