


作品 简介
谭德熙十分留意周遭空间与物件之间的关系,尤其是空间与建筑物的互动,因此他的作品亦倾向运用空间及建筑元素。在他的创作中,他一般会制作小型物件而非大型雕塑。更准确地说,他喜欢引用「微型」这概念:从细小体积捕捉物件的精髓,并利用建筑的元素,对结构与细节加以诠释。金工则是谭德熙主要的创作方法,他认为「首饰」是一种微型空间—每一件首饰都是一个空间的载体。他的作品既是一件「微型」作品,亦是可穿戴的物品,所以其作品的内容在展示或佩戴时会有所转变。当「首饰」穿戴在身上时,身体便成为了一种建筑载体,他希望以此强调建筑物与身体的亲密关系,将建筑物的配件转化成为身体的穿戴物及身体轮廓的一部份—提醒我们与建筑物之间的关系,营造另类的亲密感。 Tam Tak Hei is interested in the spacethat surrounds us, objects that change theatmosphere of it, especially theinteractions between space andarchitectural forms. He tends to useelements of space and architecture tocreate his works. Putting his interests intopractice, instead of creating large scalesculpture, he typically creates smallerobjects. To be more specific, he likes toadopt the idea of the “miniature”, objectsthat captured the essence of forms evenin small size. He adopts metalsmithingand jewellery making as his art practice.He considers jewellery as a smallspace - each piece of jewellery containsa spac e of its own. He interprets theessence of architecture and adopt thestructure and details of certainarchitectural elements. His works areoften miniature and wearable at the same,thus the context changes when it is beingdisplayed or worn. Using the body asan architectural interface, he addressesthe relationship and intimacy betweenarchitecture and humankind, making thoseornaments of architecture becomeornaments of the body and parts of thebody silhouette. Reminding us ourrelationship with the architecture, creatingan alternate intimacy betweenarchitecture and mankind.



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