


作品 简介

生于广东茂名, 毕业于浙江师范大学, 现工作生活于杭州,职业艺术家。 部分展览 个展 2018 水墨的欲望。杭州、和平会展中心,浙江。 群展 2020 0距离艺术展,伦敦,英国。 2019 大艺博 广州 中国。 2019 无象·无界,青年艺术家邀请展, 上海 中国。 2019 大艺博 上海展览中心 中国。 2018 北京青年美术双年展 北京 中国。 2018 2018猎质国际当代艺术双年展。格式化零点——再线/在线,目击者当代艺术空间。重庆,中国。 2018。 恒汇国际当代艺术展,上海,中国。 2018 “水墨马头、意趣沧桑”—— 当代水墨艺术作品展,宁波,浙江,中国。 2018 2018猎质国际当代艺术双年展。N29°~E106°——集合体,华人当代美术馆,重庆,中国。 2018 水墨无极——艺术西湖•国际水墨博览会,和平国际会展中心,杭州,浙江,中国。 2018 庆祝改革开放40周年 盛世钱塘.美好家园 杭州市油画作品展,杭州画院。 2018 艺术新锐计划作品展,壹品艺术空间 ,杭州,中国。 2018 大艺博——大学生艺术博览会,广州,中国。 2017 浙水千秋•最美杭州——秀水千岛湖油画展,千湖岛艺术馆,浙江,中国。 2016 最美是杭州,喜迎G20峰会美术作品展。杭州,浙江,中国。Born in maoming, guangdong province, graduated from zhejiang normal university, Now is work life in hangzhou, professional artists. Part of the show solo 2018 ink., peace conference and exhibition center, hangzhou, zhejiang. Group exhibitions 2020 zero distance art, London, UK. 2019 great art, guangzhou China. 2019 is like, unbounded, young artist invitational exhibition, Shanghai, China. Great art, Shanghai exhibition center of 2019 China. Beijing China Beijing youth art biennale 2018. 2018 2018 hunters international contemporary art biennale. Format the zero point - line/online again, witnesses contemporary art space. In chongqing, China. 2018. Heng hui international contemporary art exhibition, Shanghai, China. "Ink interest and horsehead, vicissitudes of life" - 2018 The contemporary ink painting exhibition, ningbo, zhejiang, China. 2018 2018 hunters international contemporary art biennale. N29 ° ~ E106 ° - collection, Chinese contemporary art museum, chongqing, China. 2018 ink promise - west lake international ink painting exhibition, art peace international conference and exhibition center, hangzhou, zhejiang, China. 2018 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up times qiantang. Better homes oil painting exhibition of hangzhou, hangzhou art academies. 2018 new plan exhibition of art, one art space, hangzhou, China. 2018 big art students, art expo, guangzhou, China. Xiushui thousand island lake 2017 century, the most beautiful hangzhou zhejiang water - oil painting exhibition, thousand island lake museum of art, zhejiang, China. 2016 is the most beautiful hangzhou, celebrate the G20 summit in the fine arts exhibition. Hangzhou, zhejiang, China.



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