Alberta University of the Arts/陶瓷
“Why clay?” This is the question I’ve been asked and also asked myself most frequently. Clay, in my understanding, is an incarnation of mother earth, the avatar of Gaia. Working with clay gives me an opportunity to have a conversation with the primal goddess of the earth, to engage myself with a natural material physically with every single touch. Each fingerprint and tool mark records the interaction that happened between my hand and my material. Working with clay also allows me to trace back and connect to my roots. I have not only grown a sense of belonging and identity to my Chinese ancestors in working with clay, but also tied the bond between my motherland and myself.
As I was looking closely into nature, I discovered an ultimate beauty in skillfully capturing minute details in my works. Falling deeply in love with the process of sculpting, I devoted a great amount of time and energy into my work, and acquired satisfaction, pleasure and joy from working. Besides skill and labor, I also attach great importance to ideas and creativity. Humor, mystery and curiosity, all these highlights of human civilization are the aspects I have been trying to introduce into my work.